
ADAPT2 is here

Press Release CSW Group are delighted to announce the launch of the new support service ADAPT2.  Our fast paced and rapidly changing world can be a challenging place for young people who have a vast array of pressures put on them. From education, choices and the ever-present impact of social media, these all offer challenges that no other…

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The Future – CSW Child Mental Health Project

We are coming to the end of the second year of our Hampshire Supporting Families Contract. To date, we have received and accepted over 250 families requiring intensive support in Hampshire. Significant and sustained progress has been evidenced, turning the most difficult family’s situations around in the given 6 month’s intervention time. Our support is…

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Young Carers at Risk of NEET

  The recent Young Carers Awareness Day has sparked much debate about the numbers of young people who are caring for a relative or friend, and the impact this has on their mental health, education and future prospects. #Focus5 key workers often meet young people who have carer duties at the same time as dealing with their own…

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The Journey of Change

A Family Support Worker’s role is not an easy task. It is not until the end of the support that we and the families realise how far they have come in the time that intensive support has been offered. Case Studies are a great way of showing the full journey of where they were to…

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Volunteers healing power of helping hands

In late 2018 The Daily Mail highlighted the Helpforce campaign and ‘the healing power of helping hands’ that referred to the value of volunteers supporting NHS services. In Somerset the NHS Trust has benefitted from that power for many years, especially within their twelve community hospitals.  Across these hospitals there are currently 155 registered and…

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Volunteering to change lives in Hampshire

We are looking for volunteers to support families in Hampshire. Could this be you? Our Positive Living Volunteers support families in Hampshire who are experiencing challenging or difficult things in their lives to achieve goals together and move forwards from those difficult times as a stronger family unit. Volunteers work both alongside Family Support Workers…

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#Focus5 Five Key Skills for Employment

As the name suggests, the objective of #Focus5 is to support young people in developing the top five skills identified as crucial to getting into education, employment or training. We employ experienced key workers across Devon, Somerset, Plymouth and Torbay to work closely with young people between the age of 15-18 years old, who are…

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Why we use a Multi-Agency Approach

Every family that is allocated to our Intensive Family Support Service has already been identified as needing support. This is based on 6 criteria: Education attendance and at risk of exclusion – where a child/young person has less than 90% attendance, out of mainstream education and or has more than 3 fixed exclusions in the…

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