
The Impact of CSW Volunteers

Since May 2016 CSW Volunteers has successfully recruited, registered and placed over 200 Somerset volunteers who give their time each month to support services with Somerset Partnership NHS Trust. Research from the Social Care Institute for Excellence describes how loneliness and isolation impact upon quality of life and wellbeing, adversely affecting health.  Findings show that…

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Specialist Mentors and Specialist Tutors

CSW Group champions brighter futures by protecting and promoting the welfare of young people and adults Due to an increase in demand we are looking for additional Specialist Mentors and Specialist Tutors to work with Students in Higher Education in the Winchester, Bournemouth, Poole, Portsmouth, Chichester, Brighton, Colchester, Canterbury, Oxford, Cambridge, Norwich, Exeter, Plymouth, Falmouth,…

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The Best Day of the Year

As a specialist mentor I work with students at university.  Not just any students, but those with additional challenges to their studies presented by a disability. I meet with students each week, and I get to know them so well, I am with them on their journey every step of the way.  It’s a unique…

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New Team Champions New national standards

STEM Awards for the South West

At the exciting awards ceremony held at the NEC, Birmingham on Thursday 16 March, Devonport High School for Girls, Treviglas Community College, Redland Green School and Churchill Academy & Sixth Form have all been recognised for national awards in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) The awards were announced at this year’s Big Bang Science…

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