Young People Impact Key Workers Lives too

Young People Impact Key Workers Lives too The work done by #Focus5 it isn’t just the keyworkers who impact the lives of the young people we work with, it goes the other way too. Young people can impact our Key Workers lives in amazing ways. A young person working with Grace has taught her an easy strum…

We are a finalist in the Tech South West award for ‘Best Education Initiative Award’

We are a finalist in the Tech South West award for ‘Best Education Initiative Award’ In June of this year CSW Group (SW Peninsula STEM Ambassador Hub) along with Graphic Science (WE STEM Ambassador hub) put together a 3 week long online educational festival called South West STEM Fest.   South West STEM Fest came about as a result of research into…

Ray finds happiness going back to work

Ray finds happiness going back to work Ray started on the Health Works for Cornwall project at the end of April 2021 when Ray was finding life difficult. He was unemployed and had a health condition. Ray’s Change Coach initially identified the support that was required around his mental health and advised on the different…

“I’m in so much of a better place – Jenna”

“I’m in so much of a better place – Jenna” #Focus5 introduced you to rising star Jenna back in May with her song ‘Still Don’t Know.’ Jenna developed Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) and has been working hard on herself with her #Focus5 Key Worker to build her confidence and get more comfortable with her ticks. Things…