“I’m in so much of a better place – Jenna”

#Focus5 introduced you to rising star Jenna back in May with her song ‘Still Don’t Know.’ Jenna developed Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) and has been working hard on herself with her #Focus5 Key Worker to build her confidence and get more comfortable with her ticks. Things that help are breathing exercises, textures, signs and colours and audio – they all help her to relax. Jenna says music works every single time. Music while making stuff or painting.

Jenna said before she got her Tourette’s diagnosis she was completely lost and didn’t know where to turn but with the help of #Focus5 and Action Tracks Jenna says she’s in so much of a better place. Jenna has also managed to go a Action Tracks recording studio and record some songs that she has written herself. We are so proud how far Jenna has come and are completely blown away by how amazing the recording is of her song ‘Glass,’ we think you’ll agree it looks like a real life music video!

Jenna says although she still has work to do, she is enjoying her time with #Focus5 and looks forward to working with Action Tracks again to record some more songs and continue to do something she enjoys.

Watch and learn more about Jenna’s story in her own words in this video.

Glass Lyrics

My tears are streaming I hate this feeling I’m tired of the pain, don’t have the words to explain, I can’t stand but I’m still breathing I’m still fighting.

I’ve let my friends down an I’m falling fast don’t look bout to hit the glass stars are falling time is running out

I can feel my body shaking I can see the glass braking don’t know where I’m going but I know that I’m falling, falling fast

Hate this feeling bout to hit the glass don’t try to catch me just let me fall fall through the glass tears still streaming still hate this feeling falling fast bout to hit the glass

I’ve let my friends down an I’m falling fast don’t look bout to hit the glass stars are falling time is running out

Don’t try to catch me just let me fall fall through the glass look to the sky’s an I see stars through broken glass hate this feeling tears still streaming I hit the glass falling too fast tired of the pain I’m seeing stars falling fast falling through glass.