
SSW Employer Good News Story

      Daisy Wholesale is an award-winning telecoms and IT services provider, serving over 1,000 partners across the UK channel with a local office in Eastleigh. As part of the Daisy Group Ltd., the business has established relationships with carriers and networks throughout the industry, enabling the business to offer services and products spanning fixed…

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Annual survey reveals young people’s, teachers’ and parents’ attitudes to engineering

Engineering is highly regarded by STEM secondary school teachers and parents More young people would consider a career in engineering Boys have more positive views of engineering than girls even in primary school. Salary ranks as an important factor in young people’s career choices, over and above ‘enjoyment’, ‘job security’ and ‘something that challenges me’.…

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Solent Provider Event

Monday 9th December saw Sue Farrell and Rocky Moore welcome all training providers involved with Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) project to Southampton for the day. The SSW projects aims to provided funded skills training to employers and employees in the Solent area, with CSW Group working with a diverse range of training providers…

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ADAPT2 is here

Press Release CSW Group are delighted to announce the launch of the new support service ADAPT2.  Our fast paced and rapidly changing world can be a challenging place for young people who have a vast array of pressures put on them. From education, choices and the ever-present impact of social media, these all offer challenges that no other…

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Spotlight on: Specsavers Luke McRoy-Jones

Spotlight On Name:  Luke McRoy-Jones Job title:  3rd Year Optometry Student/ Optical Assistant Company:  University of Plymouth/ Specsavers Hometown:  Caerphilly, South Wales School subjects: I studied Biology, Mathematics, Physics and the Welsh Baccalaureate at A-level. Qualifications:  Currently studying toward BSc (Hons) in Optometry at University of Plymouth Tell us about your job… I’m a third year optometry student at University of Plymouth. At…

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Innovative Enterprise Days

Our innovative Enterprise days and half days encourage students to develop a greater awareness of life after school. Run by our experienced Enterprise Team and designed together with companies across the South West, our hands-on sessions bring the workplace into the classroom for a more engaging learning experience which will also enhance the development of…

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Get Your Quiz on and Meet The Future You

Ever wondered what an engineer does? Could you see yourself exploring outer space, protecting the environment, designing apps or developing cures for diseases? Engineers do all this, and more! Use the Tomorrow’s Engineers Week ‘Meet the Future You’ quiz to show children and young people the future career options that are open to them. Meet…

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Next steps thanks to new confidence

The #Focus5 project provides unique, flexible, one-to-one support to young people aged 15-18 across Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and Somerset, who may be struggling to move forwards in life. Funded by the European Social Fund and the National Lottery Community Fund, #Focus5 help young people take steps back into education, employment or training. We encourage development of the ‘5’ key skills identified…

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