COMPASS – Destined for college and a bright future

Destined for college and a bright future Harry left school at the end of year 10 with no qualifications. He brought himself to Whitehead Ross under the COMPASS project as he realised that he needed to get some qualifications and he wanted to turn his life around after a bad experience at school and just…

COMPASS – A New Reality

Annabelle found her direction with the support of COMPASS partner Argyle Community Trust Charlotte lacked confidence and suffered from anxiety and depression after loosing her job.  With the support of COMPASS partner Real Ideas Organisation (RIO) she engaged with Game Academy which boosted her confidence, she can now recognise the skills she demonstrated including communication,…

Upskilling to Boost Staff Retention

Upskilling your workforce is a vital part of ensuring the future and viability of your organisation. It’s also one of the most positive steps that you can take to ensure you retain experienced, valuable and contended team members and keep staff morale high. In this article we’ll explore the what, why and how of upskilling,…

COMPASS Game Changing Creativity

COMPASS Game Changing Creativity Young people on COMPASS had the opportunity to take part in workshops with artist Justin Wiggan, across a 3-day Creative Bootcamp, from his Centre for Curious Investigations. With a strong focus on wellbeing, exploration of self and positive messaging, Justin guided the participants to explore their identities interpreted as road signs,…

National Careers Week – Sarah Clark

National Careers Week – Sarah Clark National Careers Week is a one-week celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK from 6th – 11 March. Their aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness…