Employment success for NEET young person!

Employment success for NEET young person! Our Community Engagement Advisers (CEA) support young people to reach their full potential but its not always easy to build a relationship from the get go, especially if the young person has faced setbacks which are out of their control. Sam*, finished his course in Media during lockdown and…

Tips for living with less plastic

Tips for living with less plastic For a second year, CSW Group have committed to the Students Organising for Sustainability Green Impact Programme! Green Impact helps people understand sustainability and social responsibility and poses a series of actions to help them make a difference. Our registered teams will work with real passion and commitment to…

The Investors in Careers – Primary School Award

The Investors in Careers – Primary School Award As a Licensed Awarding Body for the National Quality in Careers Standard, Investor in Careers has developed the Primary Award to contribute positively to the achievement of the Standard and Gatsby Benchmarks as well as Ofsted requirements for educational institutions and Multi Academy Trusts linked to Primary…

#Focus5: Lucy’s Story

#Focus5: Lucy’s Story We are thrilled to be sharing the wonderful journey that Lucy has been on since working with us at #Focus5. She described herself as “literally doing nothing” when she joined the project in October last year but that couldn’t be further from the truth now. In fact, Lucy has been so busy…

COMPASS is here: ESF Project

COMPASS is here: ESF Project COMPASS is a wide-reaching partnership project, led by Cornwall Council, with the aim of supporting 1,800 young people aged 15-24 to find their direction into education, employment and training throughout Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The project was successful in accessing the last tranche of ESF funding under Investment…