The #Focus5 project in Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and Somerset: Working with vulnerable young people

The #Focus5 project in Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and Somerset: Working with vulnerable young people Taken from Tristram Hooley Career guidance for social justice Last week Oliver Jenkin discussed the Ambitions Project in Cornwall. This week he joins with Nee Bedford to discuss another project working with vulnerable young people in the South West of England. In the second of…


Targeted work to support vulnerable young people: The Ambitions project in Cornwall

Targeted work to support vulnerable young people: The Ambitions project in Cornwall Written for Career guidance for social justice by Tristram Hooley Oliver Jenkin and Barnaby Ridge discuss the Ambitions project in Cornwall and ask if it offers a way forward for the provision of career support for vulnerable people.  A recent FE Week article reiterated long-standing…


Why should my organisation consider Investor in Careers?

Why should my organisation consider Investor in Careers? Through Investor in Careers, we support learning providers to develop their careers policy, meet Ofsted and national government requirements, and become recognised for excellence in careers education. The Investor in Careers approach is designed to raise the standard of careers advice and guidance provision delivered by schools…
