From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow

From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow O’s education was disrupted enormously by the Coronavirus pandemic and like all young people found it very difficult to maintain relationships motivation and direction. When he joined our Compass programme at 19, he was incredibly worried about his future. O began attending our weekly farm sessions.…


Goodbye self-protective shell, Hello University.

Goodbye self-protective shell, Hello University. VS had always been prone to anxiety and although had successfully completed A-levels, during COVID restrictions her anxiety levels had increased, and she had gone into a self-protective shell and wasn’t really considering doing anything. Consequently, her mum referred her after chatting to the CSW transitions worker that is involved…



ON YOUR BIKE with COMPASS Hayden joined the European Social Funded COMPASS programme through Motiv-8 in October 2021. He lives independently but has support from carers as he is on the autistic spectrum. He struggles with his self-confidence and this makes discovering employment opportunities a real challenge. Whilst Hayden recognised that a traditional training and…
