Holly is buzzing on social media with help from COMPASS

Real Ideas have been delivering on Compass since the beginning of the year, in that time we have worked with some brilliant young people, one of them is Holly…
Holly joined Real ideas in May after her Kickstart placement in Digital Marketing came to an end. The placement confirmed to Holly that that was the sector she wanted to work in.
Holly’s barriers were her confidence in social sitautions, through 1:1 support she began attending events hosted by Real Ideas, the first was a VR event in Liskeard:
“The first VR event was amazing; I had such a good time on the headsets and met some really nice people. Gaming is in my comfort zone, so it was easier for me to turn up
Once her initial fears were overcome, Holly was keen to get involved in more activities; the next was an ‘Oh So Social’ session where she learnt about how to promote herself on social media. Holly enjoyed it so much she made contact them afterwards to enquire about work experience.
Holly attended a second VR event hosted by Real Ideas and Bluefruit (embedded software development company) in Redruth. This was a real achievement as Holly got a bus and train alone and made her way to venue, despite her anxiety. It demonstrated how far she had come in such a short period of time. Holly reflected and said it was linked to being enthusiastic to land a job in the digital sector. At the event Holly used the opportunityto network with professionals, she confidently introduced herself, asked the correct questions and exchanged contact details.
With interview preperation and support, Holly has been succesful In securing a job with ‘Think Pragmatic’ supporting them with their social media.
Holly said of Compass:
“I am so happy to have had the opportunity to be a part of the Compass programme. It has definitely helped me to secure my job and I am very grateful to all of the staff I have worked with.”
Call CSW-COMPASS Project on 0800 97 55 111, or visit www.cswgroup.co.uk/compass