Inspiring Futures Webinars

Inspiring Futures Webinars CSW Group are pleased to present Inspiring Futures, a series of 9 webinars covering different aspects of career development, employability, and how to negotiate the world of work. Taking place from Monday 15th March, each webinar is made freely available to young people in schools, colleges, home education, and those not currently…

Employees Support in Skills (ESS)

‘Employees’ Support in Skills’ (ESS) ‘Employees’ Support in Skills’ (ESS) which is part of CSW Groups services for the employed. This service is funded by the European Union via the European Social Fund and Education Skills Funding Agency. ‘Employees’ Support in Skills’ has been designed to target the needs of employees who are over the age…

#Focus5 scoops big awards at Green Impact ceremony

#Focus5 scoops big awards at Green Impact ceremony At the start of the last year things were quite a bit different than they are now. People could still get together in large crowds, no one knew what a national lockdown feels like and CSW Group had just started the Green Impact initiative. A lot has…

Care Leavers’ Summer School with Dorset Virtual School

Care Leavers’ Summer School with Dorset Virtual School As part of the ESF Skills for Young People programme in Dorset, Whitehead-Ross Education delivered a one-off targeted summer school in collaboration with Dorset Council’s Virtual School, which supports young people in care. Over a 4 week period, the summer school was targeted at 9 young care leavers who…

CSW Group in 2020: The year in retrospect

Written by Senior Career Development Consultant, Dr Oliver Jenkin PGCE RCDP  The year 2020 has posed unprecedented challenges, both practical and personal, to individuals and businesses globally. No sector has been left untouched by the disruption caused by lockdowns and social distancing measures and, CSW Group, like many other companies in the education and social enterprise…

‘Green’ Guidance

Written for Tristram Hooley, Career Guidance Social Justice   David Roe is a manager at CSW Group providing career guidance in the south-west of England. In this post he considers how young people might be making career choices based on their concern for the environment and how, as career guidance professionals, we can (and should!) support…

Health Works for Cornwall

CSW group is delighted to be a sub-contractor on the new Health Works for Cornwall Programme, a major new ESF DWP programme for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly with investment until December 2023. The programme is led by Cornwall Development Company in partnership with 10 local organisations including CSW Group.  It aims to support…