Harriet embarks on her journey to her dream job

Harriet embarks on her journey to her dream job Following years of not attending school and coping with bereavement and trauma, Harriet and her Key Worker have embarked on the journey to Harriet’s dream of becoming a nail technician. Harriet was referred to #focus5 by her head teacher, at which point Harriet’s attendance was below 42%…

#MeetTheTeam – Abi Bunt

Abi Bunt  Business Skills Adviser, SMART SKILLS What is your favourite thing about SMART SKILLS? The benefits it has on SME’s. I love that SMART SKILLS can help businesses access high quality training that they may not have a budget for. What do you like most about working on the SMART SKILLS programme? I’m a…

HWC- Good Luck Charlotte

Good Luck Charlotte Charlotte faced many challenges in returning to work, including several health conditions and managing her medication. With the support and understanding of her Change Coach, she received the guidance and practical advice she needed to move forward. With employability skills sessions, job search support, transport advice and the help of other partners,…