Innovative Enterprise Days

Our innovative Enterprise days and half days encourage students to develop a greater awareness of life after school. Run by our experienced Enterprise Team and designed together with companies across the South West, our hands-on sessions bring the workplace into the classroom for a more engaging learning experience which will also enhance the development of…

CSW to spend £3.4 million training Solent workers

CSW Group has been successfully awarded £3.4 million from the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) for training the Solent workforce. The money available will be used to provide skills training at no cost to employers or employees. The training will take place in the areas of New Forest, Southampton, Isle of Wight, Eastleigh, Fareham, Gosport,…

Get Your Quiz on and Meet The Future You

Ever wondered what an engineer does? Could you see yourself exploring outer space, protecting the environment, designing apps or developing cures for diseases? Engineers do all this, and more! Use the Tomorrow’s Engineers Week ‘Meet the Future You’ quiz to show children and young people the future career options that are open to them. Meet…

CSW Group Work Experience

Work experience provides many benefits, giving young people skills and experience that will allow them to stand out to potential employers as well as helping them choose the right sector to work in. Some students will go into Work Experience with a clear career ambition, some will want to sample something they like the look…

Next steps thanks to new confidence

The #Focus5 project provides unique, flexible, one-to-one support to young people aged 15-18 across Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and Somerset, who may be struggling to move forwards in life. Funded by the European Social Fund and the National Lottery Community Fund, #Focus5 help young people take steps back into education, employment or training. We encourage development of the ‘5’ key skills identified…