Yep! Connecting with nature for wellbeing

This young person stopped attending school 3 years ago in Year 8, she was isolated, spending much of her time in her room, in bed and not eating well, sometimes eating a bar of chocolate for dinner. She has experienced poor mental health which has been her main barrier to education and socialisation. Yep! partner Newquay Orchard’s priority was to build her confidence, resilience and improve her mental wellbeing.
Through the weekly group Wellbeing Sessions that focus on nature connectedness, she had the opportunity to socialise, building connections with other young people facing similar challenges, which helped to build her confidence.
Mindful, grounding exercises have developed the skill of slowing down and paying attention to her body and senses, recalibrating her mind to be calm and focus on a specific task. This enhances resilience and the ability to cope confidently in everyday life. They also use nature as a tool for relaxation and revitalisation, some of these sessions included flower pressing and cooking, a great way to explore and appreciate the beauty and versatility of nature.
She has achieved a level of resilience and wellbeing that has allowed her to confidently apply for an education programme with Newquay Orchard starting in September. Whilst a little apprehensive, she feels ready for this challenge, in this familiar, safe environment. Mental Health, motivation and drive has improved which has affected how she looks after herself, eating and sleeping properly, waking ready for the day ahead and open to learning. Basic cooking sessions have helped, which included planning meals, harvesting ingredients at the Orchard and cooking together.
She commented how much she enjoyed the Orchard’s Wellbeing Sessions and is excited to attend each week. A stark contract to her previous mindset; unenthused about anything, not interested in going out or meeting people. She has also made friends within the group.
She feels Newquay Orchard has taught her to use nature as a coping strategy and how she has transferred this to other areas of life; just going out for a walk outside when feeling stressed to recalibrate, appreciating the natural world around us, which allows her to return more relaxed and able to focus.
The slower pace of the sessions worked well as she often found aspects of life too quick and rapid to process. This was a barrier at school, but with extra processing time she is able to think clearly and has head space to make decisions.