Monday 9th December saw Sue Farrell and Rocky Moore welcome all training providers involved with Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) project to Southampton for the day. The SSW projects aims to provided funded skills training to employers and employees in the Solent area, with CSW Group working with a diverse range of training providers to provide these solutions.

The Provider Event, held at the Network Eagle Lab, was designed to provide support on how to engage with employers, find best practice and how to successfully market the project in order to find new business. CSW group was delighted to be joined by Justine Taylor-Knightsbridge, director of Fox and Bee Design limited, who was MC for the day.

Nearpod was used throughout that day, capturing anonymous, live feedback from the audience. Justine was excellent at interrupting the live feedback, keeping the topics relevant and the day truly interactive.

A diverse range of speakers were rafted in for the day. Guest speakers were:

  • Sue Farrell of CSW Group. Sue detailed an overview of the project to date
  • Nicky Bailey from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) gave advice on how to best engage small employers
  • Rebecca Ogburn, HR Manager at Aqua Cooling drew on her on experiences to help the group understand how to engage with the “gatekeeper”
  • Rocky Moore and Shaun MacLellan from CSW Group looked at innovative ways to market project
  • Adrian Aspinall, director of Adrian Aspinall LTD, used his experience as a marketing copywriter to provide an interactive session, looking at the language we use

Are you looking for training for yourself, colleagues or staff? You can get tailored training at no cost. To find out more about the Solent Skills for the Workforce Project contact Rocky on or call 07909 998 450.