Elite Training South West were looking for a trainee IT tutor so we organised a five-day course through HotSW Skills for young people. We contacted DWP and local careers advisers at CSW to refer learners to the course which included units such as; how applying for a trainee position differed from applying for a standard job. Before enrolling with Elite Training South West Ltd, Josh had been out of education or employment since the end of 2018. In 2018, Josh was at college but left as he felt the course was not right for him. Josh spent the next year looking for work but found it difficult to attend interviews due to a lack of public transportation from his home. Josh also felt that his lack of confidence was preventing him from achieving his full potential, so when he heard about the NEETs programme he decided to sign up in the hopes that it would help build both his skills and his self-belief.

Elite discussed the importance of showing initiative and enthusiasm as well as CV, application form, interview preparation skills and other relevant topics’ with Josh. On completion of the course, the delegates were offered the opportunity to complete a work experience with us to see exactly what was involved in the position.

From day one, Josh’s enthusiasm and commitment shone through. He engaged well in all of the sessions, built up a good rapport with the other delegates and showed a great deal of interest. It was clear that Josh was capable of this position and once he completed the course he quickly arranged for the two-day work experience for the following week. Josh had listened to everything Elite Training had taught him on the course, he was well presented, well-prepared, asked relevant questions and was very enthusiastic. Josh immediately interacted with our customer base and handled questions from learners and colleagues in a very mature way. By the second day Josh was dealing with the customers on his own and explaining our basic IT course. Although he had never worked before, Josh was able to satisfy our MD that he had the enthusiasm and determination to do well and was offered a position with us. Josh continues to impress with his commitment, customer service skills and ability to make people feel that they can achieve the qualification they require. Josh has become an integral part of the Elite team and his confidence grows daily. We are now looking for another trainee as Josh has proven how important it is to inspire young people and offer them the opportunity to develop.

Josh says: “After completing the employability course at Elite I was really excited to take the opportunity of a 2-day work experience. I was interested in the Trainee position straight away; I really enjoy interacting with the learners and feel a great sense of achievement every time I help someone accomplish a task. Since being taken on at Elite full time I feel that I am growing in confidence every day and have been given the opportunity to complete a variety of training. I am looking forward to continuing my development with Elite and my ultimate goal is to become an IT Coordinator.”

The Skills for Young People project that supported Josh is open to participants aged 15-24 who are at risk of or, not in education, employment or training (NEET). The project runs within the Devon, Dorset and Somerset areas.

HOSW Skills for Young People is financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund.