Solent Provider Event

Monday 9th December saw Sue Farrell and Rocky Moore welcome all training providers involved with Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) project to Southampton for the day. The SSW projects aims to provided funded skills training to employers and employees in the Solent area, with CSW Group working with a diverse range of training providers…


ADAPT2 is here

Press Release CSW Group are delighted to announce the launch of the new support service ADAPT2.  Our fast paced and rapidly changing world can be a challenging place for young people who have a vast array of pressures put on them. From education, choices and the ever-present impact of social media, these all offer challenges that no other…


Spotlight on: Specsavers Luke McRoy-Jones

Spotlight On Name:  Luke McRoy-Jones Job title:  3rd Year Optometry Student/ Optical Assistant Company:  University of Plymouth/ Specsavers Hometown:  Caerphilly, South Wales School subjects: I studied Biology, Mathematics, Physics and the Welsh Baccalaureate at A-level. Qualifications:  Currently studying toward BSc (Hons) in Optometry at University of Plymouth Tell us about your job… I’m a third year optometry student at University of Plymouth. At…
