HWC equipped V with life skills to help her cope and she can breathe again

When V was referred to the Health Works for Cornwall project, she was trying to manage several health conditions and life challenges that were preventing her from seeing a way forward. Anxiety, depression, stress, and a lack of confidence were rooted from a childhood trauma and were triggered by a more recent event. V was feeling betrayed but didn’t want to be living in the past or be a victim. V was experiencing mental blocks each time she tried to find a way forward and recognised that support was required to move past these and move on with her life. In addition to her own life challenges, V was also managing significant household debts and was also focused on supporting her four children, who all had their own individual needs that required support, with V being the main carer for her son who had several health conditions.
V’s Change Coach assessed and prioritised V’s need, recognising, discussing, supporting, and prioritising need. Our first step was to focus on the childhood trauma, by linking V in with some specialist support with Natural Life Progressions. The Change Coach also advised on the focused service that The Women’s Centre offered as a next step. V was unsure to begin with but after some gentle encouragement and support, came to realise the benefits of what they would offer and understood how life changing this could be going forward, not only for herself but also for her children. Alongside this V and her Change Coach focused on gaining advice and guidance on the debts that were held by linking in with debt advise services.
For continuity of support, V had regular 1-1 appointments with her Change Coach, where they would regularly review and update on activities and progress, with the Change Coach always ensuring that V had holistic support. With some plans to gain part time employment and with future thoughts to start her own business, V was supported to write a CV and there was some focus on work roles, but V had to rethink her next step as V’s role within the family home changed, with V now becoming a carer for both her son and daughter. when signing up to HWC, V was in a position where she was considering employment but with her children requiring her support V had to refocus on supporting them with their needs and next steps. Throughout V’s journey on HWC, along with providing V with advice, guidance and knowledge, V’s Change Coach has also provided information and support for V’s children, ensuring that they are also linked in with the appropriate services.
V feels that she now has the courage, confidence and life skills that will help her cope with life again and no longer feels that she is consumed by the darkness and guilt that she has carried throughout her life.
If you need support or are struggling to find a way forward contact:
Nev – Bodmin, Wadebridge, Launceston 07909 535159 neville.morrish@cswgroup.co.uk
Nikki – Bude 07909 933721 nicola.speer@cswgroup.co.uk
Jennie – Newquay 07786 171218 jennie.lacey@cswgroup.co.uk
Kerry – Launceston 07786190221 kerry.shelford@cswgroup.co.uk