Catherine's productive journey gets her ready to move on in life

Catherine joined the Health Works Cornwall project as a 17-year-old with a history of anxiety and isolation, following Covid lockdowns and a challenging childhood. Our change coach supported her to grow in confidence and take a step towards her long term goal of working as a Emergency Medical Technician.
Catherine’s Journey
Catherine had had a challenging childhood which included experiencing bullying. Catherine had advised her CSW Group HWC Change Coach that she did not go outside very often so felt ok with the COVID-19 restrictions and mask wearing but did want to meet with her Change Coach when possible. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, initial contact was via telephone contact but as the Change Coach and Catherine gradually built their relationship, Catherine felt confident enough to be able to meet her Change Coach face to face which was a huge step forward in working together.
As requested by Catherine together with her Change Coach they began with writing a CV. However, Catherine had expressed her fears around the transition into adulthood and felt that writing a CV was part of this, the Change Coach approached this by gently supporting and guiding Catherine around CV content looking at some key skills and qualities that Catherine had – logical mind, articulate, good awareness, kindness, considerate, good communication. The Change Coach suggested linking in with some young person focused CSW webinars that were based on employability skills, to introduce the world of work and workplace expectations. The Change Coach also advised on linking in with the Active Plus confidence and motivation course and arranged that the Change Coach would support Catherine by attending with her. This was a positive experience and a welcomed weekly routine. Once comfortable in the group, Catherine attended one session without support, which was a significant achievement.
Catherine’s Change Coach explored local groups and activities and advised Catherine on these with Catherine linking in with a local gardening group and also a dance group.
Whilst focusing on these engagement activities, Catherine and her Change Coach had lots of careers focused discussions and exploration of occupational areas with Catherine deciding that her long term work goal was to become an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Catherine was linked in with the local St Johns Ambulance and although the group sessions weren’t running due to covid restrictions, Catherine was able to meet with the local leader and attended an event which proved a really useful insight into the role and the activities they are involved in and further inspired Catherine to want to follow this career path. Catherine also completed a first aid course and has been supported to gain a provisional driving licence which will support the gaining of a DBS, further enabling Catherine’s progression.
Catherine is now gaining further support to gain employment. From isolation to freedom; Catherine said “ it has been a relaxed but productive journey; my Change Coach was the kindest, most understanding person, I got to know and grow with a person who I was comfortable with, I am ready to move forward with my life”
The Health Works for Cornwall project is part funded by the European Social Fund, with Cornwall Council being principal match funders. The aim of the project to support 5500 residents of Cornwall and the Isles of Scillies, who are out of work and have a health-related barrier to employment to move closer towards or into employment.