We are delighted to announce that in partnership with the Career and Enterprise Company and Heart of the South West LEP we will be delivering a series of ten, 20-minute webinars called My Choices.

The sessions are completely free and targeted to help young people that are electively home educated that are just finishing year 11 to prepare for the world of work.

Our webinars will be a safe place for young people to learn from others in a similar situation and to engage directly with employers to find out about the world of work.

Below you will see the details for each webinar, including the time and date and the registration link you need to join each Zoom session.


All about me: My skills and personal qualities
Mon 14th Sept, Mon 21st Sept, Mon 28th Sept at 2pm on all dates
Click here to register for this session


Getting resilient for the world of work 
Mon 14th Sept, Mon 21st Sept, Mon 28th Sept at 3pm on all dates
Click here to register for this session


What employers look for in an employee
Tue 15th Sept, Tue 22nd Sept, Wed 29th Sept at 2pm on all dates
Click here to register for this session


Applying for a job? What to expect from the application and interview process
Tue 15th Sept, Tue 22nd Sept, Wed 29th Sept at 3pm on all dates
Click here to register for this session


Improving your interview skills
Wed 16th Sept, Wed 23rd Sept, Wed 30th Sept at 2pm on all dates
Click here to register for this session


Social media: How to stay safe online and use it to your advantage
Wed 16th Sept, Wed 23rd Sept, Wed 30th Sept at 3pm on all dates
Click here to register for this session


Volunteering: How I can benefit from becoming a volunteer?
Thu 17th Sept, Thu 24th Sept, Thu 1st Oct at 2pm on all dates
Click here to register for this session


Introduction to Apprenticeships
Thu 17th Sept, Thu 24th Sept, Thu 1st Oct at 3pm on all dates
Click here to register for this session


Question and Answer session with local employers and training providers
Fri 18th Sept, Fri 25th Sept, Fri 2nd Oct at 2pm on all dates
Click here to register for this session


If you have a career question that you would like us to answer during the webinars please email to CareerQuestion@cswgroup.co.uk