During a week focusing on careers guidance what does it mean when your local school or college achieves the Quality in Careers Standard through Investor in Careers?

The clue is very much in the title! It means they have invested in obtaining the highest quality award for careers education; but let’s place this decision in context.

CSW created the very first Careers standard over two decades ago and we were delighted to have been granted “Licensed Awarding Body” status to award the Quality in Careers Standard. This followed the decision to rationalise recognition for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance into one national standard.

The Governments National Careers Strategy ‘strongly recommends’ that institutions work towards the Quality in Careers Standard and the great news is that we have already supported hundreds of schools and education providers to achieve this status, with many more working towards their accreditation.

So why does the National Careers Strategy make such a strong recommendation? It’s simple; the Standard recognises that the careers provision provided is robust and impartial, as well meeting national guidelines and policies. It kite-marks the achievement of CEIAG requirements within the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework (for Schools), as well as recognising and supporting the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Good Careers Education helps students learn about themselves and what they have to offer, and that needs to be recognised. Meeting the Quality in Careers Standard with Investor in Careers ensures access to: good quality information about all the job options and learning pathways with access to qualified careers advisers. This is wrapped-up in a careers programme that provides you with quality career learning experiences; and opportunities to find out first-hand what employers really value.

So in National Careers week we can also celebrate the fact that, in achieving the Quality in Careers Standard, students have been involved in helping to shape their careers programme, making it work for them and ensuring provision works from the ground up.

For more information on Investors In Careers visit the website by clicking here.