Get To Know Karen Crosby, Services to Education Manager
I joined CSW Group in September 2018 after relocating from South Yorkshire where I had worked as a Careers Coordinator in a secondary school for 11 years. During this time I ran the Careers Department delivering 1:1 personal guidance, arranging careers fairs, parents evenings and other events, and managed the schools work experience programme. Being IOSH qualified meant I was able to carry out Duty of Care Health & Safety checks on work experience placements.
When I joined CSW Group in September 2018, I worked as a Career Development Consultant on the local authority transitions contract working with vulnerable young people and those with EHCPs across Exeter, East and Mid Devon, supporting them to make a positive transition into post 16 education, employment or training. This role also included delivering group sessions and presentations for the ASK Amazing Apprenticeship project and supporting young people under the Inspiring Futures Work Experience project.
Unfortunately in March 2020 the Covid pandemic hit and we were plunged into a country wide lockdown, CSW Group rose to this challenge and carried on supporting young people across the Peninsula utilising virtual delivery platforms, with staff across all contracts delivering support through 1:1 Teams or Zoom sessions, Webinars and live group presentations.
At the beginning of February 2021, I became a Senior Career Development Consultant and the team leader for the Exeter, East and Mid Devon CDC Team. It was a huge privilege to lead a team of Career Development Consultants and support them in their delivery of Careers Advice and Guidance to young people.
In October 2021 I secured the role of Services to Education Manager and am excited to manage CSW Groups personal guidance, work experience and Investor in Careers contracts. This is an exciting time as we are emerging from Covid and hopefully this will continue and we can ‘restart’ as a country which will enable young people to have opportunities and reach their full potential.
Investor in Careers. Quality in Careers Standard:
Supporting Learning Providers to meet the national Quality in Careers Standard so they can meet the requirements of legislation, careers strategy and Government guidelines relating to CEIAG as well as the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Work Experience:
Our Work Experience Service will provide your school with tailored packages that provide successful experiences of the workplace that fit with your budget. Our experienced team of Health & Safety specialists support many Schools and Colleges across the South West to fulfil their duty of care obligations and ensure safe, quality placements for their students.
Career Development Consultant Personal Guidance:
Our Career Development Consultants (CDC’s) are level 6 qualified or training towards their level 6 qualification and registered with the CDI in line with the requirements set out by the Gatsby Benchmarks. The CDC’s work with young people to better understand their individual needs and help them locate their education and career options by identifying opportunities and future suitable career paths. They explore and help develop students’ abilities, interests, and achievements.
Work Experience: workexperience@cswgroup.co.uk
Investor in Careers: investorincareers@cswgroup.co.uk
Personal Guidance: education@cswgroup.co.uk