Growing Futures for P with help from COMPASS

P had been home schooled for a few years before joining Newquay Orchard in December 2021. He has ASD and needed support around time management, asserting himself and finding a direction for his future. He was looking for a new education provision, the chance to learn new skills, and guidance on his next steps.
P attended a bi-weekly nurture group provided by change coaches where he worked on improving his wellbeing and confidence as well as his social skills. He met new young people his own age and engaged with them on problem solving and teamwork activities. In Spring 2022 P began to enquire about a horticulture course as a full-time educational option. Change coaches supported him to attend one of the open days for Growing Futures, allowing him to meet potential peers and get an idea of the provision. He decided to apply for this course and was successful at interview, gaining a place for September 2022. P also was able to secure himself seasonal employment, further boosting his confidence and increasing his financial independence.
P is now settled with his classmates and enjoying the course with excellent attendance. He is now gaining qualifications in horticulture, Maths, and English which will provide him with excellent employment and education prospects for the future.
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