From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow

O’s education was disrupted enormously by the Coronavirus pandemic and like all young people found it very difficult to maintain relationships motivation and direction.
When he joined our Compass programme at 19, he was incredibly worried about his future.
O began attending our weekly farm sessions. In his ILP, he said he hoped to gain work skills, become more active and gain independence.
As time progressed, O grew in confidence. He found a real enjoyment of attending the farm and began to realise that finding work in a practical role with others was something he could do.
O is now planning for a career in horticulture. He is applying for jobs in some of the largest eco based charities in Cornwall and has already bagged himself two interviews. We continue to support O, offering IAG and employability support on his new path and look forward to see what happens next.
Call CSW-COMPASS Project on 0800 97 55 111, or visit