Congratulations on your apprenticeship

The Chaos Group has recently started working with a 17 year old female who has struggled with education her whole life. After starting college in September last year, she unfortunately has not been able to complete the Level 2 Health and Social Care course that she has been studying due to her very low level of attendance. Despite this, she is still really keen to work towards achieving her level 2, after studying a BTEC Diploma in her GCSE years, so Chaos have been able to work with her, and offer her an apprenticeship at their Step Down care hotel which is all about enabling people to prepare to return to their own home whilst they await a necessary package of care. The idea of this is to prevent bed blocking in Treliske hospital. This is really exciting for this young girl, as she feels that without this opportunity, she wouldn’t be able to reach her goal of working within the health and social care sector.
We can support you with your next steps on the COMPASS project;
Call CSW-COMPASS Project on 0800 97 55 111, or visit