COMPASS partner Groundwork South gave losbail the support she needed

COMPASS partner Groundwork South gave Iosbail the support she needed when she was experiencing anxiety and had been inactive for almost 18 months. She is now enrolled on a course where she will complete a Level 2 Certificate in Dog Grooming. Through 1:1 mentoring exploring suitable career pathways, her direction is now clear.
losbail was referred to COMPASS after attending wellbeing sessions at The Core in Saltash. She completed GCSEs & A levels but has no employment or work experience history and struggled with anxiety and low confidence. losbail’s goal were to find out what options were available to her and to identify a suitable career pathway.
The activities losbail undertook help her to achieve her goals were 1:1 sessions which included identifying suitable career pathways, identifying strengths for career progression, applying for College Courses, applying for College Interviews and preparing for College. The 1:1 sessions helped her to build her confidence. losbail has learnt interview skills, completing applications for college or jobs as well as personal statements to help her in looking for employment or further learning.
We are so delighted that losbail successfully applied for a college course and was successful in interview for her chosen course. She has accepted a course offer and it will commence in September. She has achieved her original goal which was to work with animals.
“I first met Maxine in February this year when she offered to support me with The COMPASS Project. At the time I was not in education, employment or training due to my anxiety. I had been inactive at this time for almost 18 months. I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do and was lacking confidence.
Through 1:1 sessions with Maxine and COMPASS, she helped me identify my strengths and also identify suitable career pathways. I soon realised that I would love to work with animals and professional dog grooming was something I would like to do. Maxine helped me find a suitable course and she also helped me to apply for a college course. After we sent my application to the college for the course, I was invited to attend an interview. Maxine helped me to prepare for my interview and I am delighted I was successful and have been offered a place on a Level 2 Certificate Dog Grooming Course starting in September.
Thank you Maxine and The COMPASS Project.”
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