COMPASS - Career with the NHS
When C started on the COMPASS project with Real Ideas Organisation, he lacked direction and did not know how to describe his experience and skills. C was interested in working in care. He had experience working as a nursing assistant throughout the pandemic providing healthcare assistance to the elderly but wanted to explore other forms of care work and didn’t know where to start.
During his time of Compass, C was actively involved in group and one to one session’s. After applying for lots of jobs with his solid experience but not hearing back, C worked with his navigator Sam to update his CV and undergo a skills exploration. Together they worked on highlighting his skill space in the presentation of his CV, developing an understanding of how his skills are transferable and completing an ikigai to find his purpose and passion. Then looking at his interview technique and confidence by taking part in a group session called Walk the Plank which explored interview scenarios and skills whilst being in a virtual reality walking a plank! The stimulated stressful environment allowing C to think on his feet and come out of his shell.
Once C felt ready to continue, Sam introduced him to a local care facility in which they explored different avenues of work. However, C did not feel confident and was concerned with the lack of supervision.
C was resilient in what he wanted to achieve and continued searching for a way to work in a care role that felt right for him. He began exploring NHS training opportunities and after a lengthy recruitment process secured a role as a Healthcare Assistant in operating theatres. Additionally, overcoming a travel barrier to get into his new place of work!
In the future, C plans to explore progression in his role at the NHS.
We can support you with your next steps on the COMPASS project;
Call CSW-COMPASS Project on 0800 97 55 111, or visit