Case Study: Overcoming a turbulent homelife to find the next steps in education

L was not fulfilling her true potential at school, with low attendance, mental health challenges, family issues and a lack of direction all becoming a greater worry. This cocktail of concerns meant that her school had identified L at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training), which culminated in her referral to Ambitions.

Our young person is academically able but suffers from a chaotic home-life and very little parental support. She lives at home with her mum and brother, however, due to her mum having to work outside of Cornwall L is left at home to cope with her sibling. To add to this, L has limited contact with her father, who lives in a different town altogether.

More recently though, her mum had secured work in Cornwall and was now around to offer more support to L and her brother. However, just as life seemed to be getting better her mum sadly fell ill with breast cancer and is now undergoing chemotherapy.

Even though L is fighting with so many challenges in her personal life she remains focused and proactive. With a little bit of advice and guidance L was able to identify business and/or marketing as the career for her. She feels she is mature enough to do well on the apprenticeship pathway, so, after looking at the available pathways L decided that Business Admin is the best area to focus on. This keeps the doors to higher education and higher apprenticeships firmly open for her. The Ambitions CPA explained that having a college place as a backup plan would be wise and they discussed A-levels versus a diploma course. As L gets very anxious about exams, she was supported to apply for the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business at Truro College. This included direct liaison with the college as L’s turbulent home life meant that she missed her college interview twice.

The Ambitions CPA supported L with developing her CV, cover letter, interview skills and apprenticeship application process and has forwarded information about any local vacancies of interest.

L has applied for several apprenticeships, attended apprenticeship events and attended three interviews for local vacancies. She is currently awaiting feedback and to find out if she has been successful. She also welcomes the emotional support and encouragement provided on Ambitions. The Ambitions CPA will continue to offer support and a point of contact until L has successfully started either an apprenticeship or college in September.

Find out more about the Ambitions project here