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Following a number of internal changes here at CSW Group, Investor in Careers can introduce the new team. Verity French will be looking after the Sales & Marketing of IiC, Ed Whitefield leading on the assessments & processes, administration will be ably carried out by Sandy Coggan.

The Quality in Careers Consortium have been working towards a national standard which will simplify the awards process and ensure all standards are held in the highest regard with uniformity across the country. IiC are delighted to announce that this will come into force on 31st March and Investor in Careers will be one of only 12 Licensed Awarding Bodies for this single CEIAG quality award, known as The Quality in Careers Standard.

CSW Group trading as Investor in Careers look forward to continuing a positive relationship with our licence and award holders, continuing to promote, assess and accredit the quality in careers. We will retain our 20 year old brand going forward.

For more information, visit the Quality in Careers Standard website here

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