Throughout August the #Focus5 team have been out meeting with young people and local providers to raise awareness of this exciting new project. young people careersWe’d particularly like to thank Eat that Frog for inviting us along to their ‘Pizza in the Park’ at Devonport Park, Plymouth. Luckily, despite the rather unreliable weather we’ve been having this August , the skies cleared and the young people who attended  got to cook their own pizzas in a wood-fired oven at the same time as exploring  their future and career options. Organisations including  YMCA Plymouth, Learn Direct, V-Learningnet, Young Devon, Achievement Training were on hand to answer questions and to signpost to a wealth of opportunities.

It was great to be able to network and raise awareness of the project.If you missed the event and would like to find out more about #Focus 5 contact 01566 777672