Our amazing Cornwall staff spent a day recently volunteering with a local environmental charity.

Newquay Orchard is a community space for locals and visitors alike, somewhere to enjoy. This environmental project is also helping people develop their employability skills and improve their mental health and general well-being, a subject the whole team and all of us at CSW Group feel passionately about

It was one of those special British August summers days, cold and wet, but it’s great stamina building when you’re huddled together as the the rain beat down in torrents. But a ‘little’ rain didn’t dampen the teams determination to make a difference and they were soon knee deep in mud sorting nursery beds and removing ragwort.

Luckily the Cornish sun decided to make an appearance by the afternoon, the waterproofs were cast aside and by then end of the day the nursery beds were transformed and well mulched!

A big thank you to Newquay Orchard staff for hosting the day and making us so welcome.

To find out more about the Orchard visit http://newquayorchard.co.uk/