Learning at Work for Business Success

Learning at Work for Business SuccessSW Business Support Solutions’ Story SW Business Support Solutions had great success hiring through the Government’s Kickstart Scheme. Over the course of the scheme, they employed 66 young people into the business to provide well rounded support and experience to those who needed a kickstart in their career. As an…

SMART SKILLS Enables David the Electrician to Expand His Business into Electric Vehicle Charging Installation Projects

SMART SKILLS Enables David the Electrician to Expand His Business into Electric Vehicle Charging Installation Projects David has worked as a self-employed Electrical Contractor for the past 12 years.  He had previously attended a range of electrical courses in Exeter with The Focus Training Group, where he heard about the opportunity of completing fully funded…

SMART SKILLS Making a Green Impact!

SMART SKILLS Making a Green Impact! Since the launch of SMART SKILLS in April, our talented Skills Advisor, Sean Gibson, has initiated a new partnership between our SMART Partner South Devon College and global composites supplier Anglo Krempel to help reduce waste. Anglo Krempel is a world-class supplier of composites and polymer products to the…

Employer Good News Story

Employer Good News Story Daisy Wholesale is an award-winning telecoms and IT services provider, serving over 1,000 partners across the UK channel with a local office in Eastleigh. As part of the Daisy Group Ltd., the business has established relationships with carriers and networks throughout the industry, enabling the business to offer services and products…

Employees Support in Skills (ESS)

‘Employees’ Support in Skills’ (ESS) ‘Employees’ Support in Skills’ (ESS) which is part of CSW Groups services for the employed. This service is funded by the European Union via the European Social Fund and Education Skills Funding Agency. ‘Employees’ Support in Skills’ has been designed to target the needs of employees who are over the age…