Employees Support in Skills:

European Social Funding has invested in a programme to support employers within the Solent area, particularly SMEs, to access free higher levels skills training for their workforce. The investment is part of the Solent Growth Programme and has now been extended to March 2019.

Employers will receive a Training Needs Analysis in line with business objectives, an assessment of their employees’ skills profile, and bespoke training at levels 3 and 4 for eligible employees, in line with business needs – all for free. The service covers all sectors, with a particular emphasis on the Solent LEP priority sectors which are:

  • Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering
  • Marine
  • Aerospace
  • Renewable Energy
  • Environmental Technologies
  • Composites
  • Construction
  • Transport and Logistics

Training can include professional as well as leadership and management qualifications and employees can access support to progress into further education and apprenticeships.

Skills Support for Unemployed:

European Social Funding has also invested in a programme to support the unemployed who are over the age of 18 to access free skills assessment and training with advice and guidance support focussing on the local labour market.

Learners on the Skills Support for the Unemployed contract will experience a personalised coaching, mentoring and employability skills as well as free vocational training support suited to the needs of the individual. Additional support to purchase licences, tools, travel and childcare.

Good News Story:

Tom has various health related barriers which caused him to feel pessimistic about obtaining paid employment. He was referred to Wheatsheaf Trust who recommended their ‘One Life’ programme as a way of helping Tom build his confidence and self-esteem. Before the programme started Tom was sceptical of the benefits of the programme therefore Wheatsheaf arranged for him to speak with two previous learners who were able to give some positive, real life feedback about the course which helped him to overcome his concerns. As part of the ‘One Life’ programme, Tom engaged with and contributed to learning modules in confidence, self-esteem, presentations, team work and stress management, where he was not only able to lead on some activities but also to support his fellow colleagues

Tom completed the modules with increased confidence and was now ready to start looking for work. He decided to target employment in the leisure sector as he had a real love of all sporting activities. With support Tom secured a work placement as a fitness instructor in a local leisure centre and the employer has been so impressed by his enthusiasm for sport, that Tom has now been employed as a permanent member of staff, and the employer is providing an Olympic Coach to help mentor Tom as he prepares for a triatholon.

Paul Hobson, Chief Executive of CSW said, “We are delighted that the Education & Skills Funding Agency are entrusting CSW Group to positively support employers, their employees and the unemployed within the Solent LEP area. As an organisation that champions access to high quality advice and training we are extremely pleased to continue our work and support more people to overcome barriers and make positive steps for their future. Over the past twenty years CSW has raised the aspirations of thousands of individuals, enabling them to build a brighter future. I would urge anyone looking for skills support to get in contact.”

Anyone wishing to find out more or access either of the Solent programmes should contact Solentesfprojects@cswgroup.co.uk

CSW Group also delivers various contracts across the Southwest including: Devon and Cornwall Skills for Young People and Dorset supporting promotion and engagement of STEM opportunities for those over the age of 25 years old.

This project is financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund