Heart of the South West benefit from two projects Devon County Skills for Young People and Somerset Skills for Young people supporting 15-18 year olds since 2016; European Social Funding and the Education and Skills Funding Agency have invested over £885K to help develop skills and progress young people onto a range of positive outcomes that include employment, education, apprenticeships and voluntary work.
The current project runs until March 2019 and we are delighted to have been awarded a follow-on contract through to July 2021; which now also includes Dorset.
Delivery is through a skilled subcontractor network that are supporting young people from priority groups to return to education or move closer to employment; to date over 550 participants have received support with over 260 progressing to a positive outcome.
Claire Antall, Petroc , said, “Without having the mentoring sessions, Billie would not have overcome her lack of motivation and she now understands her sleep patterns more so is more aware of what steps to take to have a better night sleep, therefore making the next day easier.”.
Kate at SSL said, “Ninas’ work experience placement would like to employ her as she has become a real asset. The company is continuing to grow therefore in future there may be a paid opportunity for Nina”
For more information please contact Jo Osgood, Heart of the South West Contract Manager on 07876 790 303 or jo.osgood@cswgroup.co.uk. .