ICAN National Careers Service Enhancement 25+ has helped over 130 businesses within Cornwall to upskill the workforce

European Social Funding has invested in a programme of support for employed people over the age of 25 in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to progress in work, further education or apprenticeships.  The investment is part of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Programme.

The project starterd delivery in January 2018 through a skilled subcontractor network supporting the employed to gain new skills and access flexible accredited qualifications and bespoke learning packages. CSW Group specialise in high quality Information, advice and guidance whilst supporting people to transition through life effectively. The project has delivered support to the workforce from all industries in line with LEP priorities.  ICAN has so far helped 373 learners to achieve 839 new qualifications.

Employed learners over the age of 25 year old can access this service locally and select from a wide range of training from: bespoke learning packages (tailored to increase productivity) to Education and Training Awards (to support training other members of staff).

Impact quotes from learners and employers:

Through this support, we have been able to better the lives of many across the whole of Cornwall and continue to do so, and to offer more targeted staff training.

“Janet has improved her knowledge and skills of website development and has applied these to her business website”

I attended a level 3 Award in Education & Training, It has helped me to understand how better to engage with the learner, I found the course to be Motivational, Challenging, Interesting, Educational and Supportive”

Paul Hobson (CSW Group CEO): “The ICAN project is underpinned by high quality Information, Advice and Guidance has supported employed learners to realise their aspirations and progress in their work or education. The project has delivered positive outcomes to both employers and employed people over the age of 25 in Cornwall. CSW Group have 20 years of experience supporting transition management the ICAN project has enabled the company to reach more employed learners and make a positive impact.”

Cathie Kessell, Employment and Apprenticeship Officer for Cornwall & Isles of Scilly LEP  “ICAN is an example of how European Funding has helped those in work in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to gain more skills and qualifications; not only benefitting them as individuals but also helping businesses get the skills they need to grow their businesses.”