CSW Group is delivering an exciting pilot and research programme to support the development of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) focussed work experience in the South West and beyond. Schools have been signed up over the past 3 months, and will be getting stuck in with the project team in the new year, starting with work to support young people improve their employability and work ready skills.


We now need employers to get involved! We are looking for exciting placements for young people in STEM businesses, or roles that have a STEM focus – that might be in a support role in a business. We are providing additional support to employers to help put together activities and programmes for the duration of the placements. If you would be interested in getting involved, then please get in touch! More about the programme here; https://cswenterprise.co.uk/services/stem/generation-stem/


CSW is also pleased that the Careers Strategy highlights our Generation STEM programme, as it will provide invaluable insight into the impact that work experience can have on students’ attainment, attitude to learning and aspirations towards STEM careers. Funded by the Education Endowment Foundation, Careers and Enterprise Company and Bank of America Merrill Lynch, we are conducting a randomised control trial with Year 10 students at 130 schools across the wider south west region. Generation STEM draws on many of our areas of expertise: work experience, enterprise education, employer engagement and engaging young people in STEM.


We are confident that the findings of our research will help strengthen the case for work experience generally and also provide useful guidelines to schools and colleges on engaging students in STEM careers through work experience.