The CSW Enterprise team’s Generation STEM programme will be offering employability skills, workshops and week-long work experience placements to Year 10 students (aged 14-15) across the South West region, designed to give them an insight into what employers expect of young people and raise awareness of the fantastic opportunities in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in their local area.

Volunteers are being sought from a range of employers to take part in a Work Preparation Day, at a number of secondary schools across the region in the spring and summer terms. You will take the role of a ‘Business Partner’, sharing your personal career journey and experience of navigating the job market as you guide a small group of students through various activities including writing effective job applications and performing well at an interview. If you’re keen to give young people a concrete idea of what modern-day employers are looking for then this is the opportunity for you!

CSW are also seeking employers who could offer a young person a weeks’ work experience placement in a STEM-related role. Employers would be fully supported by our project coordinators and our knowledgeable work experience team.

To express your interest in these fantastic opportunities for local businesses to network with and support our secondary schools, please get in touch.

Laura Edmundson Generation STEM Project Coordinator, Plymouth and Cornwall

CSW Group | 07584 338 802|

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