Exam Results – More Than One Direction

Have you reached a crossroads after receiving your A Levels or GCSE results? Worried how COVID-19 may affect your career choices and direction? Let us help you…. CSW Group have qualified Career Development Consultants available to talk to you if you are unsure about your next steps or need help and support with any of…

Skills Launchpad Plymouth

NEW – Skills Launchpad Plymouth goes live 12 August 2020 With so much uncertainty surrounding grades, jobs and employment at the moment, it is understandable that this could be causing some anxiety or confusion for teenagers and their parents. With exam results due to be released this week, please don’t panic as there is local…

Apprentices to get jobs boost

  New support service launched to help apprentices who have lost their jobs during the Covid-19 outbreak to find new opportunities. Apprentices to also get help to access financial, legal, health and wellbeing support as well as careers advice. Employers encouraged to take advantage of new cash incentives to take on apprentices and help more…