Offering timely advice and information

On Saturday 19th March, several of our careers advisors took part in a very busy ‘Apprenticeship Jobs Fair’ at Plymouth Guildhall. The event, organised by Building Plymouth and the Plymouth Manufacturers Group (PMG) attracted more than a 1000 job seekers of all ages. Those who popped along were able to try their hand at taster activities,…

How to get the most from a Careers Fair

Careers fairs are a great way to meet employers up close and explore a huge array of industries.However, as they can be a bit overwhelming, here are our tips for coming away with useful information and advice – not simply a bag of pens and stickers! You’ll probably only have a few hours to explore before…

Work Experience and Employers

The great thing about National Careers Week is that we get to celebrate careers support in all its guises, and this includes the huge impact made by employers who offer young people work experience. If you’re one of these businesses already, you’ll be well aware of the benefits to the students coming into your workplace,…

What Difference Does Careers Advice and Guidance Make?

National Careers Week is a chance to reflect on good CEIAG, and dispel any misunderstandings we might hold regarding what careers advice and guidance is actually about. Whilst ‘careers advice’ can involve things like signposting to information about learning and work opportunities, ‘careers guidance’ is more in-depth and enables the adviser to explore interests, skills,…

National Careers Week 2018

This week is the 11th National Careers Week, which allows us the opportunity to focus on the impact of great careers guidance and support. It’s also National Apprenticeship Week, celebrating apprenticeships and the benefits they present to both individuals and businesses, as well as the UK economy as a whole. CSW Group has championed positive…