SMART SKILLS Empowers Julia to Grow Her Photography Businesses

Julia, business owner at Julia Woollacott Photography, recently completed the free Digital Marketing Workshops from SMART SKILLLS, delivered by our partner Petroc.  Based in North Devon, Julia offers stylish and relaxed wedding, portrait and event photography. She wanted to develop her digital marketing skills to help grow her business.

Julia found out about the Digital Marketing Workshops from SMART SKILLS on Petroc’s Facebook page. She was drawn to the Email Marketing and Social Media workshops as she wanted to develop her skills and knowledge in these areas to apply to her photography business and increase her client base.

Julia attended all three workshops; the Email Marketing Workshop was extremely useful in helping her to understand the need to establish a customer database and continue to use email to inform and retain customers.

The tutor took the time to deliver the workshop content in a way that was relatable to Julia’s photography business, explaining why and how to do things specifically for her business. This will enable Julia to easily apply her new skills and knowledge to her business in the future.

Julia is busy putting into practice all that she has learnt. She is now confidently developing an email database, creating emails, expanding social media presence and adding new content to her website.

Julia said Thanks to SMART SKILLS, I feel more positive about work and how I can increase the brand awareness of my business and the services available. I feel empowered and have lots of exciting new ideas to implement to help my business continue to grow.”

Julia's Photography

Discover how SMART SKILLS can support your business

To find out more about the range of courses available from SMART SKILLS, funded by the European Social Fund, contact the SMART SKILLS Hub to speak to one of our friendly and experienced Skills Advisers who will help to identify skills gaps and support you with your skills needs.