Michael Sharman
Skills Adviser, SMART SKILLS
What is your favourite thing about SMART SKILLS?

That SMART SKILLS offers a rounded skills service like no other, to be able to support a business with their skills need which could have a significant impact on their business; it is just fantastic!

What do you like most about working on the SMART SKILLS programme?

I like the engagement with employers, listening to their journey so far, whether that be business related or not, everyone has a different tale to tell which I enjoy.  I also love helping people, and I can achieve this through SMART SKILLS as new skills can change someone’s life.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

I thoroughly enjoy a good hike at the weekend on Dartmoor or getting involved in some water sports – perks of living by the coast!  I enjoy spending time with friends and family making memories.

Interesting fact about yourself

I have been on one of the biggest swings in the world and it was scary, I can tell you!

What is your favourite chocolate bar?

I am a sucker for a bar of Galaxy, I could demolish several bars in one serving – dangerous!