Yep! One day at a time

This young person came into care in her mid-teens, she has been living in supported accommodation. She was due to start a mechanics apprenticeship in January 2024 which fell through due to the low numbers enrolled. She was feeling lost about what to do next with her education.
Her Keyworker helped her to explore options, she really wanted to do something hands on and practical. A conversation with a friend sparked an interest in engineering. With her Keyworker they explored this further, and she was supported to visit the STEM Centre at Callywith College to find out more.
Her goal was set she wanted to enrol on the Engineering BTEC at Truro College. However, many challenges lay ahead, the course was full so she found herself on a waiting list, anxious. Her Keyworker continued to support persistently keeping in contact with admissions. She got her place, attended the induction day with her Keyworker who supported her to find her feet and apply for a bursary and bus pass at student services.
Her Keyworker liaised with her Social Worker so that all the equipment she needed for the course could be purchased from her Personal Education Plan payments. One final stumble on her 1st day due to anxiety but she made it on day 2 with the support of her Keyworker, Social Worker and the staff at her accommodation rallying around her.
Alongside this she was attending “Connector” training at Carefree. This is a Carefree group aimed at equipping young people with the skills needed to volunteer and support other young people. This group offered a mixture of team building exercises, self-reflective practices and discussion sessions and a 3 day residential. She found this group a real challenge as she is anxious in groups but wanted to work at building confidence as this would be essential for sustaining a place at college. Although she did not attend all the weekly sessions, she successfully completed the 3 day residential and accreditation.
She has now been attending college for months and is enjoying the course and feels like her tutor really gets her. Although she still struggles with her anxiety, she is taking one day at a time and is enjoying having a regular routine and working towards her goal of being an engineer. She has also completed a befriending as a ‘Connector’ alongside a Carefree Youth Worker and continues to attend Carefree groups.
“Carefree have helped change my whole mindset. Even if things don’t go as expected I’ll get where I want to be, just taking one day at a time”