Yep! Journey into Supported Internships

Yep! participants from across Cornwall Education Business Partnership (EBP) benefited from the connections being made in digital/tech organisations Tim was targeting to build relationships with. He was promoting the benefits of employing young people on Yep! and young people with EHCP’s looking for supported internships through Diversity to Thrive.
Hertzian heard about this and got in touch. After discussing possible options, it was decided they work together by inducting 3 young people who had basic skills and an interest in the industry.
After speaking to the team, there were many young people that fit that criteria. These were shortlisted and an Open Day at Hertzian was arranged. They were so impressed that they opened 5 internship places instead of 3 for these participants. They started their internships at the end of September.
Many of these young people had basic experience in marketing and video making, coding, software design and computer programming. Some of them were actually very talented but lacking the social skills enabling them to apply the skills outside their bedrooms. With the help of EBP they have found an employer who is able to utilise this skill in a professional environment where they fit in.
Most of these young people were in the same situation and are diagnosed or undiagnosed with autism spectrum disorder which had led to mental health issues and social isolation which prevented them entering employment without support. They did not know how to apply their skills; what employers are out there or how to approach them. With the support from EBP the young people were prepared for interviews, and they passed a group interview scenario and digital assessment under test like conditions.
Prior to this wonderful opportunity these participants received 1:1 support from their case workers which empowered them to take these steps. Support continued after the Open Day in managing anxiety, travel concerns and employer expectations. EBP also linked with fellow Yep! partner Real Ideas on their Digital Natives project to help prepare them for the Open Day.
The tech industry is naturally set up for remote working with MS Teams and Zoom and the fact that participants want to work in solitude and have the technical know how to work remotely was perfect. This model was ideal if the travel to and from Truro was an unreasonable distance. However, undertaking an internship from a participant’s bedroom is not healthy and encourages social isolation. It is also inappropriate for a job coach on a supported internship to work from a participant’s house. To overcome this issue and create a middle ground, Tim contacted another Yep! partner Newquay Orchard who provide job coaches themselves and run digital courses. They also have a co-workspace and have an environment which supports those who may be neurodiverse. A perfect opportunity for collaboration where a job coach could support a participant who is unable to travel to Truro. The same model could also be applied at Real Ideas at Liskeard Library – another Yep! partner. Perfect for one participant, it has been agreed, and a job coach will support them from there instead of the Hertzian office in Truro. This has planted a seed for expanding this model, the potential is huge!
“I am thrilled to have partnered with Cornwall Council on the Youth Employment Program (YEP!) initiative, which is making a significant impact on young people in Cornwall. Hertzian is providing privately funded training opportunities that align with our mission to support and nurture future talent in the tech industry. This collaboration helps signpost young people to our program of support, with 2 out of the 7 learners having already secured employment opportunities. We look forward to continuing our efforts to empower the next generation of industry professionals.” Chris Hertzian, CEO
“After leaving the military against my own wishes I was very down. I initially thought I wanted to work in construction however I always had an interest in computers. After visiting Hertzian I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the day. I was originally very apprehensive. I am now really looking forward to learning more about coding and using it in the real world. They seem like a great company to work for with some big clients. The laptop has been very useful is it allows me to get a change of scenery when coding allowing me to think of other ways around the problem at hand. it also allows me to progress outside of work time and get help from others a better time.” Tim (Supported Intern)
“When Julie responded to the referral we made to EBP via YEP! for our 20 year old highly skilled son who’d felt stuck since his breakdown at school 4 years ago, I never imagined that within weeks he’d be volunteering as a gardener! She showed kindness, patience and empathy at their meetings, helping him to grow socially and supporting him in doing basic tasks such as calling the bank. Although initially hesitant, Julie persuaded him to attend an interview to show case some of the computing and programming skills he’d learned through self-learning. Within just 5 months of working with our son, he was offered an internship. With Julie’s coaching he had agreed reasonable adjustments with his employer and has been working there for 6 weeks.
We just want to thank Julie so much – without her help we would not have known what to do. Because of her kindness and support, we are watching our son develop and grow as he spends time at his internship learning and sharing his knowledge and sharing his sense of humour with like-minded people.
Funding for this kind of 1:1 support for young people to help them navigate their future is so very important.” Mum of a young person on Supported Internship with Hertzian