Yep! Partners work together

This young person originally joined Yep! for support with employability skills with CSW Group, it was identified early on that their level of heightened anxiety needed some more specialists help so they were internally referred to Pentreath, another partner on Yep!
They then attended weekly 1:1 sessions in a location where they felt comfortable outside of their home. These were targeted around anxiety management, confidence building and how to keep a positive and healthy wellbeing, this included several topics and interventions.
The support had many benefits, the biggest for this young person was not only receiving advice around their anxiety and how to manage this better but feeling listened to throughout their support which has enabled them to continue to move forward. They have now returned to CSW Group for employability support and are engaging well with their Adviser. They now have the confidence to put themselves back out into society and feel comfortable about doing this.
This is just one example of how the partners on Yep! work in collaboration to support young people utilising the specialist skills across the partnership.
‘A huge thank you for all the support you have given X over these past few months. The progress she has made is unbelievable and I honestly believe you have been pivotal in helping her get to where she is today. She continues to amaze me with her newfound confidence! ‘ Feedback from parent of this young person