Ebony's journey to success

Yep! partner Real Ideas were the perfect partner to support Ebony when she joined the project.
Ebony had been badly bullied at school and consequently had not completed her education or sat any GCSEs. She was extremely quiet when she joined, uncertain of what she wanted to do or what was even possible without any GCSEs. Her confidence was very low.
She began to engage and just build relationships with the team at Real Ideas. They quickly established she was a creative young woman who enjoyed technology and made art using traditional and digital tools.
Ebony was encouraged to put her name down for the Digital Natives programme running from Liskeard Library, another UKSPF project, part of Digital Futures. This meant she needed to work as part of a team on real world work experience challenges using digital tools to create content for promotion. She took part in filming activity and wrote copy for web and social media. She also helped create a VR experience and tested this experience on members of the public, helping gather feedback on what they thought of it. During this programme she spoke more and more with the facilitator and started to help set up and pack down the session. Her confidence grew in the library space and she got to know a few of the staff.
Ebony was supported to research college courses in the local area and began to put a portfolio of artwork together. This enabled her to apply for a place at Arts University Plymouth despite not having any GCSEs. Ebony applied and was offered a space, which she has chosen to defer for a year while she completes her English and Maths qualifications through adult education.
After this Ebony applied to undertake some volunteering in a local charity shop and has begun to do this 2 days per week. She has continued to grow in confidence during this time and continues to attend the drop-ins at Real Ideas whenever she can.
She is significantly more confident and upbeat about her future. She has regular volunteer work to keep her engaged, has achieved her short-term goals and has a route to her long-term goals in place.