SMART SKILLS is offering businesses in Devon free training in Excel; funded by the European Social Fund.
Advanced Excel
What will I learn?
Workshop 1 – Deep Dive into Formulas and Functions
- Create complex formulas spanning different worksheets and workbooks
- Create and use techniques such as: Pivot Tables, Subtotals, Advanced Filters, Nested Functions
- Create and use a wide range of functions including: LOOKUP, IF, COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTIF, YEAR, MONTH, DAY
Course dates
Tuesday 12th September 2023, 9.00am – 4.00pm
Advanced Excel consists of 3 workshops taking place on 12th, 19th and 26th September 2023. You can choose to attend all 3 workshops or pick and choose the right workshop(s) to meet your needs.
This workshop will be delivered face-to-face at Petroc College, Barnstaple (EX31 2BQ)