If you are a parent, guardian, or carer for a young person you may find much of the information contained on this website useful.
Family members play an important role in helping young people make good decisions about their future.
You can do this by:
- Encouraging them to discuss their ideas and plans with you.
- Using some of the information and websites listed on this site to help them explore the options available to them
- Attending meetings at school or college where a teacher or careers adviser can discuss the options available
- Attending any events at school, college, and with Apprenticeship providers, where you can explore choices
- Visit careers or job fairs in your area, there are large regional ones, ones online and sector specific, e.g. Construction.
Visit our Resources page, where you can find information from colleges, UCAS and Apprenticeships and our YouTube Channel has lots of interviews and top tips videos
If your son, daughter, or young person in your care has any additional support needs, speak with a Learning Support Manager or Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator at the learning providers they are considering.
Local Authorities also have an ‘online directory’ on their main website, we have detailed our local ones below. This should contain a wealth of information about community-based support that may be of value to parents, guardians and carers.