“Every school must ensure that pupils are provided with independent careers guidance from year 8 to 13”
We can provide independent, relevant and ambitious careers guidance to support young people in the 21st Century. Our Consultants are level 6 qualified and registered with the CDI as required by the statutory regulations, or in training through our in-house training and assessment centre. Our Career Development Consultants;
- Work with young people to better understand their individual needs and this helps them locate their ambitions, education and career options by identifying opportunities. They assess pupils’ abilities, interests and achievements and ensure that they make the best decisions for their next steps by providing the right tailored guidance.
- Information, Advice and Guidance is comprehensive, relevant, impartial, accurate and up-to-date and given in a way that fully supports young people with their decision making process.
- All our Consultants are experienced in working with students with SEND and use a person centred approach so that each student has a meaningful encounter with them that is tailored to their individual needs.
Investor in Careers (IiC)
Through Investor in Careers, we support schools and colleges to develop their career programmes, meet Ofsted and national government requirements, and become recognised for excellence in careers education.

CSW Group manages the Transitions Contracts in Devon, Cornwall, Plymouth and Torbay on behalf of the Local Authority.
We can support young people who are in education or those who are unemployed, with special emphasis on those young people who are:
- Working with the Youth Offending Service
- In care/Care Leavers
- A Young Carer
- Educated otherwise
- Have a current Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
We provide support for young people to make successful transitions into employment, education and training.
Our support helps to ensure that all young people, particularly those who are disadvantaged, understand that there is a broad range of options open to them. We know that this can be overwhelming so we help these young people to navigate the full range of options and choose those most suitable to their needs and aspirations. Through our support, we are able to ensure each young person understands the local labour market and how their skills can align to potential career opportunities. With a greater understanding of their options, young people are able to make informed decisions and, therefore, are better able to successfully transition into further learning, employment, apprenticeships, traineeships and more.
We work with some of the most disadvantaged and deprived young people across the South West. We engage with them through their schools, colleges and communities, and provide tailored advice and guidance to help positively influence decisions.