HWC helps Wayne achieved his dream of starting his own business

Wayne has achieved his dream of starting his own valeting business thanks to his CSW Careers and Employability Adviser on Health Works for Cornwall. Wayne was advised and supported to apply for the New Enterprise Allowance Scheme. Wayne was made redundant a few years ago and had been struggling to find a new job. Now he is his own boss!
When Wayne signed up to the HWC project, he had been unemployed for approximately three to four years after being made redundant from his previous role in a factory which had closed down. Wayne had been unable to find his way back into work since this. Wayne initially identified ICT as an area where he would benefit from gaining some skills, so his HWC Change Coach advised on the local centre where he could study an ICT course and we discussed how this would support Wayne with progressing back into employment. Wayne and his HWC Change Coach also reviewed the local labour market, considering the courses and training that would be beneficial to gain.
Wayne continued to look and apply for local vacancies but did not feel that he was progressing anywhere with these, so a review and update of Wayne’s CV was completed to further support Wayne’s job search activities. Wayne discussed his passion and interest in cars and how he really wanted to set up his own car valeting business but never felt that this was possible or achievable. So, with some labour market research completed, looking at whether this would be a viable business and to gain knowledge and insight into other car valeting business, Wayne began to see that it may be possible. Wayne and his HWC Change Coach began to focus on and started to explore the courses and training that would enable Wayne to set up his own car valeting business, starting with Outset Cornwall. Wayne’s Change Coach advised him of New Enterprise Allowance (NEA), and this was followed up through Wayne’s Jobcentre Job Coach who was able to refer and link Wayne in with this service. Wayne found a car valeting course that would show customers that he was qualified to complete the work, the HWC project funded this course as well as a range of equipment and products that Wayne required to be able to start his business. Wayne’s dream of setting up his own car valeting business started to become reality, with Wayne progressing further by looking into business cards, promotional materials, social media accounts, public liability insurance and a business bank account. Wayne was moving closer to launching his business. Wayne completed his sessions with the New Enterprise Allowance (NEA) team, meeting with a mentor and entrepreneur which supported and advised on the different aspects of starting and running a business, including marketing and finances, pricing costings and a cash flow forecast. Wayne started to receive his NEA payments and used this to further support the start-up of his business.
The Health Works for Cornwall project is part funded by the European Social Fund, with Cornwall Council being principal match funders. The aim of the project to support 5500 residents of Cornwall and the Isles of Scillies, who are out of work and have a health-related barrier to employment to move closer towards or into employment.
If you need support or are struggling to find a way forward contact Nikki on 07909 933721 nicola.speer@cswgroup.co.uk or Jennie on 07786 171218 jennie.lacey@cswgroup.co.uk