Work Experience after Covid

With the lifting of Covid restrictions we are now supporting more than 136 schools across the wider South West region to offer work experience placements to their students.
We are also working in partnership with Devon County Council to support schools to provide work experience placements to 1593 vulnerable young people, those with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), in receipt of free school meals or a child in care under the Covid recovery scheme.
Work experience provides a crucial opportunity for the development of vital employability skills. It can take place at any point, but for most it’s something which happens during secondary school. For many that week or two will be the first taste of working life.
For all it is a valuable experience; developing employability skills is essential alongside traditional academic qualifications to help prepare for life after school, college and university.
We are committed to provide a work experience service that supports young people, schools, colleges and businesses work together to achieve meaningful and safe work experience as simply as possible.
Work experience can help schools and colleges to achieve Gatsby benchmark 3 and 6 – Addressing the need of each pupil and experiences of workplaces.